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Sam Decker

The Ryder Cup of Word of Mouth

Sean Moffitt at Agent Wildfire, author of blog Buzz Canuck, just published a list of top 23 U.S. Word of Mouth bloggers. As described by Sean…

"…these broad-minded bloggers and company heads have distinguished themselves by trying to understand how ideas spread, online and offline, through a range of different strategies and tactics. In my opinion, they are much closer to the purpose and benefits of web 2.0, co-creation, social networks and other web, cultural and social phenomenon."

I tip my hat to him for adding me to the list. I'm honored to be among this group. And I need to work on fulfilling this honor by keeping up on this blog, though these days I do a lot of blogging on Social Commerce and WOM on Bazaarblog.

Here's his list of the USA Team:

1. Jackie Huba/Ben McConnell – Church of the Customer (Austin, Texas)

2. Andy Sernovitz – Damn! I Wish I Thought of That! (Chicago, Illinois)

3. Pete Blackshaw – CGM (

4. Jim Nail – Cymfony

5. Ed Keller – Keller Fay

6. Jeremiah Owyang – Web Strategist

7. Rohit Bhargarva – Influential Marketing

8. Owen Mack – CoBrandIt

9. Walter Karl – WOM Study

10. Fred Reichheld – Net Promoter – Boston

11. Max Kalehoff – Attention Max

12. Oliver Blanchard – Brand Builder

13. Charlene Li – Groundswell

14. Sam Decker

15. Joseph Jaffe

16. John Moore – Brand Autopsy (Austin, Texas)

17. Peter Kim, Being Peter Kim (Austin, Texas)

18. Mack Collier – The Viral Garden

19. Spike Jones – Brains on Fire

20. Ron McDaniel – Buzzoodle

21.John Jantsch – Duct Tape Marketing

22. Kim Proctor – How to Create Powerful Customer Experiences

23. Rob Walker – Murketing

I assume these aren't in any particular order, as Peter Kim, John Moore, and John Jantsch have gained far greater reach over the years!


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