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FREE Snippets from “Word of Mouth Marketing”

Sam Decker

Here are some of my favorite snippets from this book:

Definition of WOM: Giving people a reason to talk about your stuff and making it easier for that conversation to take place.


Earn the respect and recommendation of your customers, and they will do the rest. Treat people well; they will do your marketing for you, for free. Be interesting, or be invisible.


Rule #1: Be Interesting Rule #2: Make People Happy Rule #3: Earn Trust and Respect Rule #4: Make It Easy


When I was single, there was no better date restaurant than Otello’s in Washington, D.C. When I showed up with a woman, Introduction xxi the owner would come out before the meal with a big, “It is soooo good to see you again. We are soooo happy you are here.” (Of course, he had no idea who I was.) After dinner, he’d produce two glasses of cheap wine, on the house. This guy knew how to make sure you looked like a high roller.


I love Mario’s Barbershop in Chicago. When I go in with my two-year-old son, they offer me a cocktail. They offer him a toy car. It’s a guy place. No one ever accepts their drinks, but it’s a blast to hang out with Mario, Zoran, and Bobby. Those drinks are a reason to talk. I tell the other dads at daycare. It comes up at parties. It’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions a haircut. The result: A line of dads and toddlers out the door every Saturday. (A Supercuts on the same block is deserted.)


Seth Godin calls it being “remarkable” in his book Purple Cow. (Note: Federal law requires all new marketing books to mention Seth Godin at least once.) Remarkable means worth remarking on, worth saying something about. It’s the root concept of word of mouth marketing.


Only about 20 percent of word of mouth happens online. When it does play a role, it usually sparks the 80 percent of word of mouth conversations that actually happen face to face.


A lot of that talk is happening online. Research from Pew Internet reports that 32 million people are posting content to message boards, and Technorati reports that 13 million people blog weekly.


Word of Mouth is “CtoC” Marketing Actually, it’s BtoCtoC. Your job as a marketer is to put out an idea worth talking about. That’s marketing. When a real person repeats it, that’s word of mouth. It’s about the second hop (and the third hop, and the fourth hop, and so on).


This is called organic word of mouth — word of mouth that springs naturally from the positive qualities of your company. Many experts would argue that this is the only legitimate form of word of mouth. The opposite concept is amplified word of mouth — word of mouth that is started by an intentional campaign to get people talking. I like the organic methods better, but I’ll talk about both.


Word of mouth is the feedback loop that forces marketers to pay attention to the consumer. It brings advertisers out of isolation and forces them to confront the reality of the impact that their products and marketing have on real people. It puts the consumer at the head of the boardroom table. Word of mouth marketing protects consumers by giving them a voice. This kind of marketing gives a powerful platform to consumers, and makes marketers listen. It empowers consumers by engaging with them online and the real world. It gives people the power to voice their dissatisfaction and expose dishonesty.

We’re the marketers who have learned to listen. Word of mouth marketers don’t have a choice. We can’t do what we do unless consumers are happily willing to relay our message. So we’re getting good at making them happy. Word of mouth is on the rise because marketers have finally begun to understand that a happy customer is the greatest advertisement.


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